Whole Body Movement Explorations
No Recording Available. Please refer to the handout.

Kelly Mollnow Wilson
The session will explore various types of movement explorations that I use with my college students. Whole body movement is incorporated into each class. Some of these are floor-based, but I've been building a repertoire of other things to do when the floor is not a valid option.
Kelly Mollnow Wilson (MM, LBME, LMT, NKT) helps musicians move with ease, efficiency and comfort, which allows them to deliver musically convincing, effective performances. She teaches Body Mapping at Oberlin Conservatory and her manual therapy practice serves musicians seeking to maximize their movement potential. She writes monthly for The Flute Examiner (https://thefluteexaminer.com/), is the lead author/flute author of Teaching Woodwinds: A Guide for Students and Teachers (http://teachingww.com/) and is a member of the NFA Performance Healthcare Committee. See www.precisionperformanceandtherapy.com